Layer 1 protocols (Physical Layer)
ADSL Asymmetric digital subscriber line
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
T-carrier (T1, T3, etc.)
E-carrier (E1, E3, etc.)
RS-232, a serial line interface originally developed to connect modems and computer terminals
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SONET Synchronous Optical NETworking
Modem standards/ITU V-Series Protocols used to communicate between analog modems over voice telephone lines.
Various Ethernet physical layers
Layer 2 protocols (Data Link Layer)
CDP ,Cisco Discovery Protocol
DCAP ,Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol
Dynamic Trunking Protocol
FDDI ,Fiber Distributed Data Interface
Frame Relay
HDLC ,High Level Data Link Control
IEEE 802.11
IEEE 802.16
L2F ,Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol
L2TP ,Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LAPD ,Link Access Procedures on the D channel
LLDP, Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LLDP-MED Link Layer Discovery Protocol - Media Endpoint Discovery
PPP ,Point-to-Point Protocol
PPTP, Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
Q.710 ,Simplified Message Transfer Part
NDP ,Neighbor Discovery Protocol
SLIP ,Serial Line Internet Protocol (obsolete)
STP, Spanning Tree Protocol
Token ring
VTP VLAN Trunking Protocol
Layer 3 protocols (Network Layer)
CLNP , Connectionless Networking Protocol
EGP , Exterior Gateway Protocol
EIGRP, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
ICMP, Internet Control Message Protocol
IGMP, Internet Group Management Protocol
IGRP ,Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
IPv4, Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6, Internet Protocol version 6
IPSec, Internet Protocol Security
IPX ,Internetwork Packet Exchange
SCCP ,Signalling Connection Control Part
Layer 3 protocols (Network Layer management)
IS-IS ,Intermediate system to intermediate system
OSPF, Open Shortest Path First
BGP, Border Gateway Protocol
RIP ,Routing Information Protocol
Layer 4 protocols (Transport Layer)
AHAH , Authentication Header over IP or IPSec
ESPESP ,Encapsulating Security Payload over IP or IPSec
GRE ,Generic Routing Encapsulation for tunneling
IL ,Originally developed as transport layer for 9P
SCTP, Stream Control Transmission Protocol
Sinec, H1 for telecontrol
SPX ,Sequenced Packet Exchange
TCP ,Transmission Control Protocol
UDP ,User Datagram Protocol
Layer 5 protocols (Session Layer)
9P, Distributed file system protocol developed originally as part of Plan 9
NCP ,NetWare Core Protocol
NFS ,Network File System
SMB ,Server Message Block
Layer 7 protocols (Application Layer)
AFP, Apple Filing Protocol
BACnet, Building Automation and Control Network protocol
BitTorrent, A peer-to-peer file sharing protocol
BOOTP, Bootstrap Protocol
Diameter, an authentication, authorization and accounting protocol
DICOM includes a network protocol definition
DICT, Dictionary protocol
DNS, Domain Name System
DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
ED2K, A peer-to-peer file sharing protocol
FTP, File Transfer Protocol
Finger, which gives user profile information
Gnutella, a peer-to-peer file-swapping protocol
Gopher, a hierarchical hyper linkable protocol
HTTP, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
IMAP, Internet Message Access Protocol
IRC, Internet Relay Chat protocol
ISUP, ISDN User Part
Jabber, an instant-messaging protocol
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
MIME, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MSNP, Microsoft Notification Protocol (used by Windows Live Messenger)
MAP, Mobile Application Part
NetBIOS, Fie Sharing and Name Resolution protocol - the basis of file sharing with Windows.
NNTP, News Network Transfer Protocol
NTP, Network Time Protocol
NTCIP, National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation System Protocol
POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3
RADIUS, an authentication, authorization and accounting protocol
Rlogin, a UNIX remote login protocol
rsync, a file transfer protocol for backups, copying and mirroring
RTP, Real-time Transport Protocol
RTSP, Real-time Transport Streaming Protocol
SSH, Secure Shell
SISNAPI, Siebel Internet Session Network API
SIP, Session Initiation Protocol, a signaling protocol
SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol
SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol
TUP, Telephone User Part
Telnet, a remote terminal access protocol
TCAP, Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TFTP, Trivial File Transfer Protocol, a simple file transfer protocol
WebDAV, Web Dist Authoring and Versioning and secure versions of the above