Wednesday, 7 December 2011

SMB a.k.a CISF


"SMB(Server Message block)" (also known as "CIFS"(Common Internet File Sharing) is a file-sharing protocol that has been used since the mid-eighties. Most people know SMB as the protocol behind the "Network Neighborhood" and remote printing in Windows. 

The SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, renamed at some point CIFS (Common Internet File System), is the protocol behind resource sharing and remote administration functionalities in Windows systems. It is implemented in all Windows NT systems. 

Over the years, several usage models for SMB have been developed. While SMB originally started out as a file sharing protocol, it was later extended to include support for network management and other network services as well. 

At a high level, the SMB protocol suite is relatively simple. It includes commands for all of the file and print operations that you might do on a local disk or printer, such as: 

· Opening and closing a file 

· Creating and deleting files and directories 

· Reading and writing a file 

· Searching for files 

· Queuing and dequeueing files to a print spool 

So conclusion is as mentioned above, the current name for SMB is CIFS, which stands for "Common Internet File System". The name suggests Microsoft's hopes for the future of the protocol suite. 

On special request of one of my Facebook friend Sumit ShashiDharan i am hereby writing article on SMB.
So, enjoy and hope you like it,kindly leave your comment. thanks