How to Configure Disk Quotas from a
Command Prompt
To view and manage disk quotas from scripts or from the command line, use the Fsutil administrative command-line utility.
Useful Fsutil commands include:
- fsutil quota query C: Displays quota information about the C volume, as the following example shows.
C:\>fsutil quota query C:
FileSystemControlFlags = 0x00000301
Quotas are tracked on this volume
Logging for quota events is not enabled
The quota values are incomplete
Default Quota Threshold = 0xffffffffffffffff
Default Quota Limit = 0xffffffffffffffff
SID Name = BUILTIN\Administrators (Alias)
Change time = Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:54:59 AM
Quota Used = 0
Quota Threshold = 18446744073709551615
Quota Limit = 18446744073709551615 - fsutil quota track C: Enables disk quotas on the C volume.
- fsutil quota disable C: Disables disk quotas on the C volume.
- fsutil quota enforce C: Enables disk quota enforcement on the C volume, which causes Windows to deny disk access if a quota is exceeded.
- fsutil quota modify C: 3000000000 5000000000 Contoso\User Creates a disk quota entry for the user Contoso\User. The first number (3,000,000,000 in the preceding example) enables a warning threshold at about 3 GB, and the second number (5,000,000,000 in the preceding example) enables an absolute limit of about 5 GB.
For complete usage information, run fsutil /? from a command prompt.
By:-Yogendra Singh Negi